Whitey (Saloon Old-Timer)
Whitey, a saloon legend, enthralled listeners with captivating tales of the Wild West and his remarkable life.
Back to the Future
Hill Valley, California, United States
Whitey, born Walter on March 15, 1932, is a beloved figure in the town of Last Chance, Montana. Despite facing hardships in his youth, Whitey developed a strong work ethic and a deep love for the outdoors. After trying various jobs, he found his calling as a bartender at the Last Chance Saloon, where he held court for over five decades.
Known for his vast knowledge of local history and captivating storytelling, Whitey became a sought-after source of wisdom and guidance. His contributions to the community were recognized when he received the prestigious Last Chance Citizen of the Year award in 2010.
While Whitey never married or had children, he dedicated his life to his work and the well-being of Last Chance. His generosity and willingness to help those in need made him an integral part of the community.
Beyond his professional life, Whitey is an avid reader with an impressive personal library and a talented musician who plays the guitar and harmonica. His quick wit and ability to make people laugh add to his charm.
Whitey remains a true character and a vital member of the Last Chance community, enriching the lives of all who encounter him.