SaraBeautyCorner is a famous Norwegian social media star known for her comedy, beauty, makeup, and nail art content on her YouTube channel.
December 25, 1987
SaraBeautyCorner, a renowned YouTube personality and social media influencer, is widely recognized for her beauty and DIY videos. Her channel has amassed over 10.4 million subscribers, making it incredibly popular. Among her most well-known videos are “DIY Clothes Life Hacks,” “DIY Makeup Tutorial,” and “10 DIY Room Decor Ideas.” She has participated in numerous brand collaborations and earned several YouTube Creator awards for her contributions to the online community. Besides her DIY and beauty content, SaraBeautyCorner is a talented piano player, though her busy schedule limits her playing time. Notably, this Norwegian social media star is famous for her comedic, beauty, makeup, and nail art content on her YouTube channel.