Major Arnold Ernst Toht
A high-ranking Nazi officer and Gestapo member, Major Arnold Ernst Toht is known for his ruthless pursuit of the Ark of the Covenant.
Indiana Jones
A notorious Nazi archaeologist and high-ranking SS officer, Major Arnold Ernst Toht played a pivotal role in the Nazi quest for supernatural artifacts during World War II. Born in Graz, Austria, in 1910, Toht received an elite education and developed a fascination with ancient artifacts and occult knowledge.
Joining the Nazi Party in 1933, Toht quickly rose through the ranks and became a close associate of Heinrich Himmler. He led numerous expeditions to retrieve valuable artifacts, including the Staff of Ra and the Holy Grail, and played a crucial role in developing Nazi Germany’s occult research program.
Toht’s ruthlessness and cunning earned him a reputation as a formidable archaeologist, willing to go to any lengths to obtain desired artifacts. Despite his dark pursuits, he possessed an extensive knowledge of ancient languages and symbols and had a deep appreciation for the historical and cultural significance of the artifacts he sought.
After the fall of Nazi Germany, Toht’s fate remains shrouded in mystery. Some believe he escaped to South America, while others speculate he was captured and executed by Allied forces. Regardless, his legacy as an enigmatic and formidable figure continues to captivate historians and enthusiasts of the occult to this day.