Justin Escalona
Justin Escalona is a filmmaker and YouTube content creator known for creating the YouTube collaboration channel OPG.
September 13, 1996
Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States
Justin Escalona, a 25-year-old American entrepreneur, filmmaker, and YouTuber, gained popularity through his YouTube channel “The DAILY dropout,” which boasts over 3 million subscribers. He is recognized for his inventive documentaries and short films, such as “Road to MIRA,” “Ross Smith: The Bob Ross of Vine,” “The Pro Factory,” and “Cinco de Mayo College Party.” Besides working as a photographer and social media influencer, Escalona has collaborated with well-known brands like Nike and Canon. He also co-founded a startup called Knockpay, a QR code payment platform. Hailing from Chicago, Escalona is notable for creating a YouTube collaboration channel with his friends called OPG, or OurPizzaGang.