Grim Superpop
Grim Superpop is best known for his wrestling action figure reviews and creating GTS Wrestling animated match parody shows.
September 13, 1978
New Jersey
Born on September 13, 1978, in New Jersey, United States, Grim Superpop is a well-known YouTube personality who gained popularity through his wrestling action figure reviews. He created entertaining and imaginative toy matches on his channel, sillySUPERPOP, which features GTS Wrestling. Besides toy wrestling content, Grim Superpop also produces prank videos and animated match parody shows, contributing to his strong social media presence. One of his most viewed videos, “HEEL WIFE BURIES WWE FIGURE PLAYSET UNDER POOL,” has amassed over 705k views and 6081 likes. Continuously adapting to new trends, Grim Superpop ensures his ongoing success in the market.