Alex Jones
Alex Jones is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist who has built a media empire on stoking American fear and paranoia for nearly 20 years.
Radio Personality
February 11, 1974
Dallas, Texas, United States
Born on February 11, 1974, Alexander Emerick Jones is a prominent American conspiracy theorist and far-right, alt-right radio show host. He is best known for hosting The Alex Jones Show, a widely broadcasted radio program in the United States, and for running the website InfoWars, where he disseminates conspiracy theories and false news. Jones has produced notable documentaries such as “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” and “The Obama Deception.” Throughout his career, he has faced numerous controversies, including spreading misinformation about mass shootings, which has led to his ban from several social media platforms. For nearly two decades, Jones has built a media empire by capitalizing on American fear and paranoia.