Betsy Ross
Betsy Ross is best known for making the first American flag, the 'Betsy Ross Flag', which has been a symbol of patriotism for over two centuries.
Elizabeth Griscom
January 1, 1752
January 30, 1836
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Betsy Ross is widely recognized as a skilled seamstress who is believed to have created the first American flag. Her sewing talents were acknowledged during the Revolutionary War when she was commissioned by General George Washington to make a flag featuring thirteen stars and stripes. Besides this, she also made flags for the Pennsylvania Navy and designed military uniforms for soldiers during the war. Ross was also a successful businesswoman, running her own upholstery business for many years.
One of the most iconic images of Betsy Ross is a painting of her sewing the flag, which has become a symbol of patriotism, liberty, and independence for over two centuries. Known as the “Betsy Ross Flag,” it features 13 white stars in a circle on a blue field, along with the classic red and white stripes.
While the story of Betsy Ross’s involvement in the creation of the American flag is debated and lacks solid documentation, it remains a cherished part of the nation’s history. Legend has it that George Washington himself visited her in 1776 and requested that she create a flag with stars and stripes. Although this account cannot be confirmed, it has contributed to Ross’s enduring legacy.
Apart from her role in the flag’s creation, Betsy Ross is also credited with designing the name “United States of America” and composing a hymn that served as the foundation for the national anthem. She was also an entrepreneur and abolitionist, advocating for the rights of enslaved individuals.
In summary, Betsy Ross’s contributions to American history as a seamstress, flag maker, and businesswoman have made her a celebrated figure in the nation’s founding. Her creation of the first United States flag, known as the ‘Betsy Ross Flag’, has been a symbol of patriotism, liberty, and independence for 243 years.